Tuesday, November 27, 2007

when one door closes another one opens...

so today was my last day at work. the waitress got me a cake! it was awesome! they're made up of little cupcakes. buuuttt i managed to drop all of it...heh seems like the dumbass me thing to do right? lol well yah and then one of the girls got me flowers and balloons. it was sweet :) i felt special heh...i said bye to everyone today and i realized that another phase of my life has ended. they got me a card and everyone signed it! it's a great memoribilia for my 3 months there. here are some picture from today. (there is one thing that girls are good at...remembering to do something special) tips were really good this weekend and i very much enjoyed working my last two days and coming home with $100+. all in all...it was a great experience and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. now i'm just waiting for the next phase to start...

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