Saturday, November 24, 2007

consumer madness: black friday sales

"don't you get it? i want to go to sleeeeeeeep" - alan
getting ready for a crazy night out in the cold.
talking over our lists and dividing the work to maximize efficiency and cut the time we actually have to spend fighting over things, pushing with people, and standing in line.
camping outside best buy thursday 11/22/07.
black friday started early this year...we set up our tent on wednesday night. it was a very eventful time although most of thanksgiving was spent inside a tent, it was still fun to hang out with my friends. it was cold so i was hiding under the blanket. some guy even threatened to beat alan up calling him a little punk and stuff. but of course we would have gotten his back...kick that stupid white nazi's ass. i hate white people that think they can regulate everyone. i ended up getting a sony vaio VGN-NR110E/S. upgraded the ram to 2.5 GB. it runs a little better now. and i got a sony cybershot.

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