Sunday, November 18, 2007

a beautiful dream...

i got to go to a food tasting the other night aboard the Crystal in Newport Beach.

it was amazing...the scenery was beautiful even though all you could see were other boats docked along the ports. it gave you an inclination to dream of what it would be like if the party were to set sail. my cousin is having her wedding on one of these yachts and i'm sad i can't be there. the 2nd floor is a lounge with a dance floor and a bar.

it got me to thinking about having a masquerade on board when i come back from korea. it would be a live band/dj and cash bar. entrance fee of probably $20 and all you can eat dinner/appetizer on silver platters.

it will be elegant, it will be classy, and then of course the party would really start and it will be wild and exciting as we set sail watching the sun drop slowly below the horizon giving the sky a light pink color.
dreaming keeps the nightmares, stress, and negative feelings from welling up so i'm always thinking up new ways to distract myself. i think this...would be the perfect end to my trip to the other side of the world."Come on, come out
The weather is warm

Watching the sky
Watching a painting coming to life"
-Come On, Come Out (A Fine Frenzy)

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