Thursday, December 21, 2006

tis almost a new year

...and it's time to change things up. put the past behind us and forget everything. that's the best part about the new year because you have another semester, another birthday, another 365 days to make more memories you want to forget by the next year.

"so this is the new year

and i have no resolutions
for self assigned penance
for problems with easy solutions"
-The New Year (Death Cab)

let me recap:

best of 2006

1) London Trip - Summer '06
(Fuzzy handcuffs anyone?)

2) Motorcycle Lessons - May '06
(I'm going to take the test soon...maybe)

3) Purchasing Macbook on my own - Oct '06

4) Discovering - Dec '06
(They have Vincent D'onofrio posters!!!)

5) Guitar Hero II - Nov ' 06
(Passed it on all modes with David)

6) Kash's Birth - Jan '06
(Congrats Staci!)

7) Workaholic status - Fall '06
(At some point I held 4 jobs at one time)

8) The Fray @ Warfield, SF - Nov '06
(Went with Henry, Damnwells were great!)

9) 15 question multiple choice final (ISF 100A) - Fall '06
9) Awesome GSI: KB (LS 170/LS 105) - Fall/Summer '06

10) Being able to start a new year fresh - Dec 31, 2006
(sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same.)

Worst of 2006

1) Starting something that shouldn't have been started - Fall '06
(girls and boys...sometimes should be JUST friends)

2) Drinking the semester away - Fall '06
(I blame the work environment)

3) DRUNK Frat Party - Sept '06
(Where I made a vow to never drink again...and then drank the semester away)

4) Getting my backpack/stuff stolen - Oct '06
(now I sit at the very front of the class because my glasses were in there)

5) Taking everything too seriously - Fall '06

all in all it passed by extremely fast. now i get to make resolutions for the new year. but that i will save for another time.

much <3, C

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