Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Xmas

"and so this is christmas, what have you done?
another year older, a new one just begun.
and so this is christmas, i hope you have fun.
the near and the dear one, the old and the young."
-Happy Xmas (War is Over)
(The Fray 2006 Version)

we did our family gathering thing tonight. it was a lot of fun because there was so much food and everyone was laughing and cheery. then we all played guitar hero and talked about stupid stuff. took lots of pictures, had awesome tiramisu cheesecake. is the season to eat and get fat but i guess it's all worth it because man oh man...everything was soooo delicious! christmas gifts weren't extravagant this year but that's not what matters. i feel like i half assed some gifts this year too...i used to be so good with gifts what happened? *sighs* i think i gave like 2 good gifts this year. sennheiser headphones and ipod nano. my best gift by far this year is Nip/Tuck Season 1 DVD! gives me a reason to start collecting another series. 2nd would have to be iPod shuffle, 'cept i'm not sure it was worth the collateral emotional damage. (lol) i got some of the movies i got stolen back too! that was cool because i really wanted to watch never been kissed again since i lost it because you don't really miss something until you lose it. well anyway...hope everyone has a merry/happy holidays/xmas! whatever is pc nowadays :P i don't even know anymore.

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