Wednesday, January 17, 2007

my fight against mediocrity

"Sweetheart, you'll find mediocre people
do exceptional things all the time."
-What to Do (O.K. Go)

i guess i never really explained why i chose this name for my blog. i guess it's just that i've always felt that being mediocre sucks because i felt so ordinary. i watch the people around me doing amazing things and i'm constantly fighting this mediocrity. i am a jack of all trades but a master of nothing. mediocre people are overlooked day in and day out because they don't stand out. life is a constant struggle between accepting my mediocrity and fighting it. i wonder which side will win.

1 comment:

OldMan said...

Everyone is mediocre at most things, everyone. Those that you notice doing something have found perhaps the one thing they are not mediocre in, or they are and haven't figured it out yet. Some choose to try to improve in some aspects of interest but most move on in search of better than mediocre. Everyone finds what their niche is but they may not notice their niche is being mediocre.