Saturday, January 06, 2007


In time everything will become just a memory...

had my bday dinner tonight. it was fun, 3rd year at red robin already. can't believe in 4 days i will be 21. *sighs* i hope the dinner in berkeley will be just as entertaining if not more because i'll actually be 21 then and we'll drink till we drop.
" twenty years it's breaking you down
now that you understand there's no one around
take a breath, just take a seat,
you're falling apart and tearing at the seams

heaven forbid you end up alone
and you don't know why
hold on tight wait for tomorrow,
you'll be alright

it's on your face, is it on your mind,
would you care to build a house of your own
how much longer, how long can you wait,
it's like you wanted to go and give yourself away"
-Heaven Forbid (The Fray)

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