Saturday, January 20, 2007

karmic cycle

"what you do to me.
you confusin me
don't play with me
cause what goes around, comes around.
what goes up, must come down.
it's called karma baby."
-Karma (Alicia Keys)

my cousin told me the best karmic story i've ever heard. i always believed that there was a flaw in the karmic cycle, good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people all the time. it seems unfair to the good people in the world. however after tonight it renewed my faith in the balance of the world. my cousin (who is an amazing person, world's perfect wife figure, a regular betty crocker as we call her) was with this guy for 8 years practically raised his son. she had a tough life growing up too, her step father was perverted and her mom didn't raise her. she lived in a small old house with very little to survive on. well anyway...the guy that she was with, he left her for a 19 year old thai girl he'd picked up when he was there. soon after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

now it's not that i'm saying people should get cancer, but i mean...this is the first time i've seen karma work in someone's favor. my cousin is amazing and strong i would definately not be able to survive a break up like that. but she's moved on and she's with a cornell graduate now and ready to start a new life with him. the other bastard is riddled with cancer cells and on his way to hell. oh i love the restored faith in the karmic cycle, shows me that bad things do happen to bad people.

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