Tuesday, January 09, 2007

empty words


whatever happened to keeping promises? remember when giving someone your word actually meant something? i think trust has been lost in our culture because no one ever means what they say anymore. a promise is nothing but an empty word now. and "your word" means nothing either. to trust is to place faith in someone else. the whole world is filled with flakers who say empty words that don't mean a thing. some people just say things they think others want to hear, say things to make excuses for themselves, say things just to hear themselves talk.

i just wish there will come a day when no one lies and a promise actually means something. so please stop saying things you don't mean, and saying things you won't do. i know i am also one who breaks their word, but i am trying, i really am. next time i say i am going to come visit you or call you i will, or else i will not say i am going to. i am tired of old friends playing the game of empty conversation. "oh yah, i've been meaning to call you. we need to catch up, let's hang out sometime!" and then you don't call, you don't meet, and nothing means anything. i'm sorry if i ever did that to any of my friends. i hope that one day i can keep all my promises and that everyone can keep theirs.

"i promise not to try not to fuck with your mind
i promise not to mind when you go your way and i go mine
i promise not to lie when i look you straight in the eye
i promise not to try and not to let you down"
-Promise (Eve 6)

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