Monday, June 04, 2007

the final days of college

it seems that it never occurred to me how sad i would actually be when the day came that our apt. would split up and go our own separate ways. of course it was something that i knew was inevitable and looming, but now i realize that it is just around the corner. pH is moving out about the time i am going back up and 2 weeks after ari is leaving too. the empty apt. of all the memories made will fade into just a short portion of our 20 some odd years of life. a very insignificant piece of our lives that will be forgotten shortly after the real world sweeps us off our feet and into the turbulent sea ahead of us. we'll have jobs, meet new people, get married, start families, and all of that will wash away the short 2 years that we lived together. i guess since i'm the girl, i am the sentimental one that will actually feel a bit lonely the last month that i am spending in the apt. by myself. it is kind of sad how fast everything picked up. henry is going to philly, ari is going to michigan, peter's going to the caribbeans, and all the people that i finally really hung out with these last couples of semesters are going to be gone. (except david, however he'll be up here and i'll be in LA) i guess it never struck me as such a big deal until i realized how short of time we have left together. i don't know what is in store for me in the future but i do hope that i can still keep in touch with these friends because they are a lot of fun to hang out with and i know that as they chase their own dreams and i chase my own, life has reached a cornerstone. i don't know why i feel so nostalgic and a little stressed about the path ahead of me...but i do hope that we all manage to obtain what we want in life and maybe get together, play some games, and feel like no time ever passed since the last time we laughed together. it sounds cheesy and lame, but i am sentimental, what can i say...

the last month, i'm going to be living in an unfurnished 2 bedroom apartment, with no tv and just a mattress. by the 14th of august, it will be nothing but an old room for other college students to make their memories, start their own apartment fires, throw their own korean nights, crack watermelons, play guitar hero or caesar IV, and have their own hung over mornings. i should hurry up and finish my thesis so i can get out of there as soon as possible because truthfully, i think i will be the saddest when we all go our separate ways because i have depended on them for sustenance (as they have depended on me), entertainment, and consoled in them in times of distress. well nusira and pudgypaw, thanks for the two years of amusement i wish you guys the best of luck and know that i will still come to bug you when i'm bored. you guys are some of the best roommates a person could have and yeah, let's do it again some time. heh...

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