Tuesday, October 30, 2007

the brooding stranger

i think i've always looked up to him, even though he is the person most likely to let me down as he has time and time again. however, now even after so many years i still look up to him and his continued struggle to find stardom. i envy his perseverance and talent. i've watched him battle through his drug/drinking issues and finally finish school at the la recording studio. now he's even on tv...i always check on him from time to time to see how he's doing. most of the time he's unresponsive but sometimes very rarely he'll update me on his life and i can be happy for him. for those of you who don't know who this is...it doesn't matter, (we'll leave names out of this) for those of you that do, you know how i've always put him on a pedestal even though he may not deserve it.
he's moody but brilliant, he's talented but flaky, he's amazing but disappointing. i don't know how it will go this time, but i wish him good luck and i hope to see him again so i can see that stupid goofy grin or that face he makes when he gets really into playing. my guitar hero...my one sided friend, my fallen idol.

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