Friday, September 07, 2007

quarter life crisis: confessions of a college graduate

so i've been home for...about 3 weeks now. mom drives me insane...says inane things all the time. sometimes i want to tell her to get an education or some life experience, other times...i just want to lock her in the closet. been looking for a job, found some work at some obscure place but it pays ok so i'm not complaining. as for other jobs, i was looking into maybe being a server, bartender, hostess, or even a tutor. but apparently that's not good enough for my mom, she wants me to work in a corporate office. all i hear is her nagging me about being a college graduate and still working part-time jobs. i don't mind, so why does she? it's so annoying...especially when she was like "what if i was your boss and i asked you what your goals are in life? your dreams? aspirations?" i just stopped talking. i don't wanna play her stupid game.

i'm going to korea for a reason, to get away from all of this, this bullshit family that guilts each other into doing stuff. why do i have to stay around and take it? i find nothing but empty promises and way too many expectations. i'm 21, to many that's really young, to others i am old and seemingly responsible. i am a college graduate...hard to choke those words out. i really need to do my soul searching and figure out what i really what to do with my life. i've never really had one passion in life that i really really wanted. everything was other people's expectations of me. they influence my thoughts, and eventually my actions so to get away from it all i am going to teach english to korean students. everyone asks me about whether i'll need to know korean and when i say no, they just look at me like i'm dumb. i'm tired of explaining this to them. i'm teaching them english, not korean!! i don't need to know korean, so FUCK OFF!!! i'm tired of all these inquires and "worries" and "oh i'm gonna come stay with you." get away no one wants you around that's why i'm going there by myself!!!!! i don't want your opinion unless i ask for it!!!!! as you can tell quarter-life crises are not fun...maybe one day i'll finally be able to say i understand myself completely. but until then don't speak unless you're spoken to!
"can you teach my how to live
cause you make me want to die..."
-Tyrant (The Bravery)

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