Sunday, April 08, 2007

confessions of an undergrad

"Don't try to live so wise,
Don't cry, 'cause you're so right
Don't dry, with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end"
-Wind (Akeboshi)

when i am asked the inevitable question of what i am going to do after graduation, i am faced with looks of concern and interest. for those who i am scared to disappoint, i will not tell them that i really don't know what i am going to do, where i am going to work or that i really want to be a bartender. i am a blue collar kind of person with a white collar degree. this summer i'm going to bartending school and after i graduate i am going to find a job at a local bar and start building experience from there. i also am going to find my own place and start saving for my future. i will look for a job in a company as a day job and at night i want to work the night life.

i am not an academic, and i fear to disappoint those who ask me what i want to do and i have nothing productive to tell them. then i become less interesting, and i am like every other screw up who only graduated from high school. however i am graduating from college! i should be doing something great with my life right? that's what i feel like they expect from me, i guess i can only disappoint. my best friend is 10 times better than me now. i am envious of her, she knows what she wants to do with her life and knows the direction she's going in. she has a stable relationship and is making a difference with her job. i work at a bookstore and as a hotel receptionist. i've been a waitress, a customer service rep at the gym, an usher, a desk clerk, and have never been satisfied with anything i do.

i've been in a self destructive stage and i'm finally getting myself out of it, i'm sure i am the last person that anyone ever wants to ask for life advice. i run to forget my problems, why am i so weak willed? i've never been in a stable relationship that i actually want to be in, and i feel like i will never actually get to make a difference because sometimes i just don't care enough. i can't keep my head on straight and i think everyone can see that, now all i am is a disappointment and what can i say to that except that i did it to myself. no matter how much i detox, i will always feel like i can wash any of it away. i can see it in their eyes, and how they have nothing more to say to me because as the rest of the world matures, i am the only one who is left behind.

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