Saturday, April 03, 2010

Fresh and New

movies only show you the exciting parts of relationships, the chase, the thrill, the excitement of a brand new relationship. hearts beating fast all the while going through all your firsts. the first time you held hands, the first kiss, the first hug, the first time you're comfortable enough to eat normally, the first cuddle, etc...after those are done the only firsts you'll have are all quite uneventful. it means a lot of course to have gone so far with someone and developed your relationship to this point, but it also means that you'll never get your round of firsts again. eventually everything just becomes comfortable and familiar. of course that's a good thing, but i mean i think that's why people have affairs. i think people just want to feel that excitment again. the feeling of being wanted like the first time they caressed your hair. you want that rush, and you want to feel attractive to someone again. not just because they're already comfortable with you but because they'll look you in the eyes and make you feel like it's your first love again. everything that happens would be new, flirting wouldn't just be foreplay and you'd still get to go out on dates.

2's the longest relationship i've been in. i love him...i just miss the feeling when my heart beats really fast just because he's in the room. maybe i'm just tired of this city...

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